Jan. Average Mean Temperature (F): 17.1 Feb. Average Mean Temperature (F): 19.2 Mar. Average Mean Temperature (F): 30.0 Apr. Average Mean Temperature (F): 43.1 May. Average Mean Temperature (F): 55.7 Jun. Average Mean Temperature (F): 64.7 Jul. Average Mean Temperature (F): 69.3 Aug. Average Mean Temperature (F): 67.0 Sep. Average Mean Temperature (F): 59.4 Oct. Average Mean Temperature (F): 48.1 Nov. Average Mean Temperature (F): 35.6 Dec. Average Mean Temperature (F): 22.4 Jan. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 28.8 Feb. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 31.3 Mar. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 40.6 Apr. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 50.2 May. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 62.0 Jun. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 69.6 Jul. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 75.2 Aug. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 71.8 Sep. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 67.9 Oct. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 56.1 Nov. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 42.8 Dec. Warmest Mean Temperature (F): 35.8 Jan. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 6.6 Feb. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 6.1 Mar. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 20.8 Apr. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 35.6 May. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 47.0 Jun. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 59.3 Jul. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 65.0 Aug. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 60.4 Sep. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 54.2 Oct. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 39.1 Nov. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 27.2 Dec. Coolest Mean Temperature (F): 5.5 Jan. Average Precipitation (in): 2.40 Feb. Average Precipitation (in): 2.14 Mar. Average Precipitation (in): 2.51 Apr. Average Precipitation (in): 2.80 May. Average Precipitation (in): 3.25 Jun. Average Precipitation (in): 3.75 Jul. Average Precipitation (in): 4.02 Aug. Average Precipitation (in): 3.77 Sep. Average Precipitation (in): 3.39 Oct. Average Precipitation (in): 3.23 Nov. Average Precipitation (in): 3.07 Dec. Average Precipitation (in): 2.85 Jan. Average Snow (in): 20.3 Feb. Average Snow (in): 19.0 Mar. Average Snow (in): 14.1 Apr. Average Snow (in): 4.4 May. Average Snow (in): 0.1 Jun. Average Snow (in): 0.0 Jul. Average Snow (in): 0.0 Aug. Average Snow (in): 0.0 Sep. Average Snow (in): 0.0 Oct. Average Snow (in): 0.5 Nov. Average Snow (in): 6.5 Dec. Average Snow (in): 18.0

Climate Summary for Saint Johnsbury, VT
1895 to 2024

(monthly means)
Normals and Extremes
(daily means)
(yearly means)
Global Climate tool
(for comparison)

  Please note:
  • Charts on the Normals, Trends, and Global Climate tool pages are created with Google Chart Tools.
  • To view these pages correctly, you must have javaScript enabled.
  • These pages may load very slowly in Internet Explorer 8 and earlier versions.

Weather data for Saint Johnsbury, VT has been recorded at the Fairbanks Museum every day since the end of 1894. Averages are routinely computed for each month, and are summarized on this page. All data on this page are monthly averages; daily averages and records are on the Normals and Extremes page.

This page is updated twice a year - after the end of June and December.

Mean Values for each Month

The Averages chart (immediately above) shows the average high and low temperatures for each month as a vertical yellow bar. The average mean temperature for each month is shown as a black curve.

The Records chart (immediately above) shows the warmest and coolest mean temperature for each month as a vertical yellow bar. The warmest high temperature and the coolest low temperature for each month are shown as a black vertical bar.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec  Year 
High Temperature
Warmest (°F) 37.3 42.1 42.1   
(°C) 2.9 5.6 12.917.825.329.131.429.727.521.110.8 5.6   
Year 1933 1981 194619212015191919211944196119471948 2015   
Average (°F) 27.5 30.8 31.1 55.7 
(°C) -2.5 -0.7 5.112.920.625.327.726.221.915.2 6.7 -0.5 13.2 
Coolest (°F) 17.4 20.6 32.245.757.470.976.172.365.747.936.6 17.8   
(°C) -8.1 -6.3 0.1 7.614.121.624.522.418.7 8.8 2.6 -7.9   
Year 1904 2015 189619261917189720091903189619251901 1989   

Mean Temperature
Warmest (°F) 28.8 31.3 40.650.262.069.675.271.867.956.142.8 35.8   
(°C) -1.8 -0.4 4.810.116.720.924.022.119.912.2 6.0 2.1   
Year 2023 1981 201219212015200519212022196120171948 2015   
Average (°F) 17.2 19.3 22.5 44.4 
(°C) -8.2 -7.1 -1.1 8.9 2.1 -5.3  6.9 
Coolest (°F) 6.6 6.1 20.835.647.059.365.060.454.239.127.2 5.5   
(°C)-14.1-14.4 -6.2 2.0 8.315.218.315.812.3 3.9-2.7-14.7   
Year 1970 1934 190019261917195819561903195019251904 1989   

Low Temperature
Warmest (°F) 22.9 20.5 29.336.949.057.762.460.654.344.834.7 29.6   
(°C) -5.1 -6.4 -1.5 2.7 9.414.316.915.912.4 7.1 1.5 -1.3   
Year 2023 1981 190319012011200520242021196120232006 2015   
Average (°F) 6.8 7.8 18.931.142.451.856.954.847.536.927.2 13.8 33.0 
(°C)-14.0-13.4 -7.3-0.5 5.811.013.812.7 8.6 2.7-2.7-10.1  0.6 
Coolest (°F) -5.3 -9.2 8.624.935.445.851.548.540.530.217.1 -6.8   
(°C)-20.7-22.9-13.0-3.9 1.9 7.710.8 9.2 4.7-1.0-8.3-21.6   
Year 1970 1934 201419111967192719651903196319741904 1989  

The High, Mean, and Low Temperature tables (immediately above) show the temperture values in Fahrenheit and the year that the warmest and coolest values occured. The average values have a colored background, while values in Celcius have a gray background.

The Average Precipitation chart (immediately above) shows the highest and lowest precipitation for each month as a vertical light green bar. The average precipitation for each month is shown as a dark green curve.

Precipitation includes rain, as well as the water content of snow and frozen precipitation that falls (known as "melted precipitation").

The Average Snow chart (immediately above) shows the highest and lowest snow for each month as a vertical light blue bar. The average snow for each month is shown as a medium blue curve.

Snowfall is measured three times per day (7 AM, Noon, and 4 PM) on a special solid level surface. After measuring snowfall, the surface is swept clean. Values for every day are determined by summing the 3 measurements. This is different from the depth of snow on the ground, which is affected by melting, compaction, and other natural effects.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec  Year 
Most (in) 6.80 5.27 6.766.2311.129.6517.159.068.598.609.34 7.91   
(mm) 173 134 172 158 282 245 436 230 218 218 237 201   
Year 1979 2008 19132000 20111973 20242011199920051927 1973   
Average(in) 2.40 2.14 2.512.80 3.253.75 4.023.773.393.233.07 2.85 37.18 
(mm) 61 54 64 71 83 95 102 96 86 82 78 72  944 
Least (in) 0.41 0.37 0.300.49 0.040.66 0.960.930.680.290.95 0.95   
(mm) 10 9 8 12 1 17 24 24 17 7 24 24   
Year 1981 1987 19151941 19031936 19192002190819241922 1896   

Most (in) 46.2 60.5 46.221.1 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 T 7.226.4 54.2   
(cm)117.3153.7117.353.6 11.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 T18.367.1137.7   
Year 1954 1969 19562007 1917 199219521921 2007   
Average(in) 20.4 18.9 14.1 4.4 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 6.5 18.0  83.0 
(cm) 51.8 48.0 35.811.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.316.6 45.7 210.8 
Least (in) 4.5 2.5 T 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T 2.5   
(cm) 11.4 6.4 T 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 T 6.4   
Year 1980 1941 19461968 2024 202420221973 1895   

The Precipitation and Snow tables (immediately above) show the values in Inches and the year that the most and least values occured. The average values have a colored background, while values in metric units have a gray background.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May JunJul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec  Year 
Heating Degree Days
Most (°F)180416441362 876 552 187 66 152 319 79511251836   
(°C)1002 913 757 487 307 104 37 84 177 442 6251020   
Average (°F)147512851077 650 297 84 20 47 195 519 8731313 7835 
(°C) 819 714 598 361 165 47 11 26 108 288 485 729 4353 
Least (°F)1122 937 764 438 116 23 0 1 77 282 659 904   
(°C) 623 521 424 243 64 13 0 1 43 157 366 502   

Cooling Degree Days
Most (°F) 0 0 0 16 78 194 327 222 174 15 4 0   
(°C) 0 0 0 9 43 108 182 123 97 8 2 0   
Year 19411911191919211937196119542022    
Average (°F) 0 0 0 1 18 82 161 115 35 2 0 0  413 
(°C) 0 0 0 1 10 46 89 64 19 1 0 0  230 
Least (°F) 0 0 0 0 0 11 61 18 1 0 0 0   
(°C) 0 0 0 0 0 6 34 10 1 0 0 0   
Year 1958196519031938    

Growing Degree Days
Most (°F) 10 4 46 127 396 592 790 681 545 212 41 8   
(°C) 6 2 26 71 220 329 439 378 303 118 23 4   
Average (°F) 0 0 3 37 218 449 606 533 302 82 8 0  2238 
(°C) 0 0 2 21 121 249 337 296 168 46 4 0  1243 
Least (°F) 0 0 0 0 32 288 472 331 178 6 0 0   
(°C) 0 0 0 0 18 160 262 184 99 3 0 0   
Year 191719581956190319501981    

The Degree Day tables (immediately above) show the values in Fahrenheit and the year that the most and least values occured. The average values have a colored background, while values in metric units have a gray background. Heating, Cooling, and Growing degree days are similar in that they measure the difference between the mean daily temperature and a standard value. The standard value for heating and cooling degree days is 65 F, and the value for growing degree days is 50 F.

Heating degree days are calculated by subtracting the mean temperature from 65 when the mean temperature is below 65, and set to 0 when the mean temperture is above 65. They are often used to determine the energy required to heat a building, and are widely used by home energy providers to schedule fuel delivery. They can be used to understand a homes energy use - its efficiency and year to year comparisons.

Cooling degree days are calculated by subtracting 65 from the mean temperature when the mean temperature is above 65, and set to 0 when the mean temperture is below 65. They are often used to determine the energy required to cool a building, and are widely used by utility companies that provide electricity.

Growing degree days are calculated by subtracting 50 from the mean temperature when the mean temperature is above 50, and set to 0 when the mean temperture is below 50. They are often used in agriculture and horticulture to estimate growth of plants and crops, blossoming of fruit, as well as development of pests and weeds.